8 Steps to Turn Passive Candidates into Enthusiastic Candidates.

We all know that hiring people who are actively seeking jobs and people who are not looking for a new job requires a different strategy and process. Convincing passive but potential candidates that this process is worth their time is the biggest difference here.

Some techniques used to increase response rates after first contact with passive candidates are:

  1. Being a person specialized in recruitment and “Someone Worth To Know”.
  2. The degree that the job is remarkable.
  3. Highlighting the company’s remarkable business.
  4. The recruitment consultant being a real leader in the process.
  5. Reaching the candidate with a reliable and known reference or source.
  6. Eliminating time pressure.

Here is an action plan that you can follow for both improving response rates and generating interests:

  • Use performance job descriptions

In your job postings and outgoing messages, you need to explain the big challenges at the job and why the job is important. Thus, the difference between the current job of potential candidates and your position represents the opportunity.

  • Create a ‘small group’ target list for a talent

You can carefully select the most suitable candidates to ensure that candidates see your job as a career move. For example, in larger companies it might be a good idea to look for people with similar titles who would see that transferring to a smaller or faster-growing company is a good career move.

  • Have candidates reviewed and approved by the recruiter within 72 hours 

Before contact with these people, it is important that you are on the right track for the right recruitment during the recruitment process.

  • Make candidates feel unique and add multiple motivating factors to your message

Offer candidates a short pre-interview to see if it represents a real career move for your current or potential positions. People will be more likely to respond if their job titles are greater than the people’s current role.

  • Sell the interview, not the job

The purpose of your first contact with the person should establish the idea that your search represents a true career move.

  • Have a pre-interview with the candidate for exploratory purposes

If the candidate is strong but somewhat reluctant to proceed, offer a pre-interview to learn more. This will provide a more detailed overview.

  • Make sure to turn the potential candidate into a candidate

If the candidate is seen as a strong prospect, he or she should be invited to a full interview, or at least continue the phone calls.

  • Move as fast as you can

The first stage of the passive candidate recruitment process attracts serious attention. Once this has been determined, it is important that turning the potential candidate into a serious candidate. It is important for the recruiter to do this as soon as possible.

While earning initial attention is a critical first step, recruiting these people requires a great job, a dedicated and strong recruiter to manage the whole process.

Source: LinkedIn Talent Blog